Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Privacy Control on Social Networking Websites

RE:  Blog Entry #1 - Facebook on the Big Screen (Mary Ward Communications)

Websites like Facebook have been getting heat from many who say that their social networking site enables others to invade one's privacy.  This always brings up the topic of how one could and should stay safe on the Internet, especially on websites like these.

Why is it important to protect your information from uninvited eyes and advertisers?
There are many reasons why it’s important to protect your privacy on social networking sites.  One reason why is because total strangers who you may accept a “friend request” to can access your profile and abuse or use the things you post in potentially harmful ways.  Another reason why is because even people who you know well enough can access things on your profile you may not want them to see.  Also, once you post something onto the Internet, even if you delete it, someone may still have proof that whatever you posted.  By limiting the amount of people who can access your profile, you limit the amount of people who can abuse your things or keep things you would rather not have them keep.  This is especially true for major companies who you might associate with.  Companies or organizations can keep a record of things you might have posted and can use that against you in different ways.  This, and all the other scenarios, is easily avoided through privacy control.

What are ways you can protect your privacy on social networking sites, such as Facebook?
The biggest way to protect your privacy is to not let people whom you don’t know access your profile.  In social networking sites, this is by “adding a friend.”  If you don’t know who is sending you a “friend request”, don’t accept it.  This easily avoids strangers accessing things you wouldn’t want them to see.  Another way to control your privacy is through privacy settings.  This controls which specific people, whether it’s one person or an entire group, can see what posts you have on your profile.  One last way you can protect your privacy is to not post anything personal at all.  This just means not to post anything you absolutely do not want anyone to see.  Doing this avoids many problems that a post could cause.

For example, no [bed] intruders should be allowed to see your personal information.  Do you personally know this man?  Probably not.  Changing your privacy settings or simply not accepting this particular man's friend request can prevent him from seeing your profile - or intruding your bed.
I made the picture myself, photoshopping a "do not" sign over the man's picture.  Please don't hesitate to ask me if you want to see the raw files.
PS  Here's the URL for a YouTube video if you don't quite understand the picture:

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